I had a blast this weekend at the Macabre Faire Film Festival in New York where A Peculiar Thud was nominated for Best Editing. I was joined with the film's editor (and my dear friend) Brian Newell for a weekend of horror films, panels, and parties. Thanks so much, Elsie, for selecting our film and having us back this year!
Happy new year, horror fans! We are delighted to announce that Ross Morin’s A PECULIAR THUD is an official selection of the Macabre Faire Film Festival and it has been nominated for BEST EDITING. Ross and Brian Newell, the film’s editor, will be traveling to Long Island for a weekend of terror at one of our favorite festivals. A PECULIAR THUD will screen at 2:30 this Saturday and 1:00 on Sunday. We’ll be there for Q&As, panels, mixing and mingling. Get your tickets here: http://www.macabrefairefilmfest.com/tickets2.html. Thanks to Elsie and Macabre Faire for selecting and nominating our film!
We are proud to announce that Ross Morin’s A PECULIAR THUD is the official selection of two festivals happening this week. On Friday, November 10 and Saturday the 11th, A Peculiar Thud will screen in Michigan at the 20th annual East Lansing Film Festival (tickets at http://elff.com/festival). On Saturday, the film will be in the UK, screening at the Cornwall Film Festival (tickets at http://cornwallfilmfestival.com/official17) where it is in competition for Best Short Film. The Cornwall Film Festival has called it, “so inherently spine tingling we highly recommend it’s not watched alone.” Thanks so much to Susan and the team at ELFF, and Michael and the team at the CFF for making our film an official selection of your awesome festivals!
Halloween may be over but our reign of terror continues... We are psyched that A PECULIAR THUD is an official selection of the 17th annual Kansas International Film Festival! It will be screening tonight as part of the Things That Go Bump in the Night horror program at 7:45. Get your tickets here http://www.kansasfilm.com/attend-kiff-2017/
Thanks to Ben and the team at KIFF for selecting our film! A full weekend of Halloween terror! This week, Ross Morin’s A PECULIAR THUD will screen at four film festivals across North America. Thursday, October 19, the film will be screening at the Atlanta Horror Film Festival in Georgia (www.atlantahorrorfilmfest.com/neversleepagain.html). Friday night, it’ll be screening at the Sanford International Film Festival in Maine (www.sanfordfilmfest.com) where the film is Nominated for Best Horror Film. On Saturday the 21 and Tuesday the 24th, we’ll be at the Orlando Film Festival in Florida (www.orlandofilmfest.com/movies/a-peculiar-thud/) and producer/DP Matt Herbertz will be in attendance. And finally, on Sunday, Oct 22, we’re off to Canada for the Terror In The Bay Film Festival in Ontario (www.terrorinthebay.com) where Malcolm Mills has been nominated for Best Actor!
Thank you to all these incredible festivals for accepting our film! This Friday, October 6, A Peculiar Thud will be screening in Manchester, UK at the @Grimmfest Horror Film Festival. Tickets available: http://grimmfest.com/grimmupnorth/2017/09/a-peculiar-thud/ for those of you overseas. Thanks, Emmanuel, Greg and the rest of the Grimmfest team for selecting our film!
Happy to announce that A Peculiar Thud is the official selection of the 14th annual The Halloween Horror Picture Show in Tampa, FL where it will be screening on Saturday, September 30. (tickets at: www.thehalloweenhorrorpictureshow.com).
AND we are also the official selection of the Great Lakes International Film Festival in Erie, PA where we have been NOMINATED FOR BEST HORROR! Winners will be announced September 30 (tickets at: www.greatlakesfilmfest.com). Thanks to both of these festivals for selecting our film! More great news! A Peculiar Thud is an official selection of the 15th annual Fargo Fantastic Film Festival in Fargo, North Dakota AND the Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival in Greensboro, North Carolina – both festivals will screen the film this Saturday!
The Fargo Fantastic Film Festival (http://www.valleycon.com/filmfest/index.html) will screen at the historic Fargo Theater and the Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival will screen at the historic Carolina Theater in Greensboro http://www.wreakhavochorrorfilmfest.com. Thanks, Fargo and Wreak Havoc for selecting our film! A Peculiar Thud won Best Horror at the Coney Island Film Festival this weekend! Congratulations and thanks to our team Stuart Vyse, Malcolm Mills, Ryän Wilsön II, Kyle Clark, Brian Newell, Tom Digges, and Gregg Hammond. And a huge thank you to Coney Island Film Festival for putting on an amazing show with an awesome crowd.
This week, we're back in NYC!
A Peculiar Thud will be screening at the Anthology Film Archives where it has been accepted by NewFilmmakers New York! Check it out this Wednesday at 7:00pm! Thanks, NewFilmmakers New York for selecting our film! Event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1470040593048489 |